What an incredible presentation, Maria's work is fascinating living near stonehenge I would love to go on one of her tours to really embody the site.
The information on geo stress was so interesting.
Im going to order her rods and get going with that.
Thank you so much
This conversation lit me up. Thank you for the thought provoking, energy gathering sparks, Maria and Melissa!
This is all connecting now !! I'm writing and researching and can't wait to share how it's connected through my own soul journey and the return of the Divine Feminine , the number 13, 13 moons with the Mayan Almanach and Red Queen prophecy. Thank you !! Loving this series
Robert was sooooo sooo great! He put together so many things that I have been studying for the past 14 years! I’m for sure watching this episode! Nuggets galore!
I AM honored that I have been given this opportunity to have access to this production, and to the information contained within it! Apparently what I have been seeking, has also been seeking me! Thank you for allowing me to view this, it is phenomenal! The very best movie I have ever seen!!!
Fabulous presentation! and thanks for answering my question!
THANK U 4 THIS! I received activations while watching even though I was aware of much of this information. It was additional pieces of the puzzle. Really looking forward to more......god sovereign free.....may all living beings be free. Ha Ra - Ra Ma Ah - Dhim Ra Ra - Ka Ra Ya Sa Ta Ah La and so it is
Thank you Melissa for explaining the process. Just finished watching. Amazing interview! Extremely informative and profound. So so insightful! 🙏💙🙏
I love the 12 chakra system transmitted by Dr. Morter. I learned about this in Guatamala with a galactic shaman.
Kirsty Dixon What a great interview! So many connecting threads. Thank you!!!
Jenalee Lewis
I AM honored that I have been given this opportunity to have access to this production, and to the information contained within it! Apparently what I have been seeking, has also been seeking me! Thank you for allowing me to view this, it is phenomenal! The very best movie I have ever seen!!!
Excellent job.
Here’s to hitting 13 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻

What a fantastic experience - I have been fascinated by numbers (study numerology) and ancient technology. My spiritual practice is called "The Spiritual Technologist" - I always knew there was something more - I cant wait for the conference now
AMAZING!!! Eye opening. Very grateful for this information and Melissa's research and passion for uncovering the truth.
Monday at 1:33am

Fantastic movie. Well research. Very well delivered.
Sunday at 10:22pm

Thank you so much for this beautiful energy -consciousness.i am an artist and for all my life i have been drawing circles :):)
Your movie it’s very inspiring and i felt completely in tune with all you shared .🙏👍💜Gabriele
Sunday at 9:56pm
🙏🙏🙏 Thank you, Melissa, for captivating movie. It is really informative and I loved watching it, even more. I am myself in the cascade of new discoveries and also striking ideas ariving by direct revelation while writing my book.
Blessings and success for further work!
Sunday at 9:50pm
Luz Aida
Muchas gracias por compartir. Muy interesante el numero 13. Estoy integrando información y esta me viene muy bien. Mil gracias
Sunday at 6:50pm
Thank you for sharing this mind blowing 🤯 video!
Sunday at 6:43pm
Thank you for the free viewing. There's so much to absorb here. I will definitely watch again!
Sunday at 6:06pm
Thank you for the free opportunity. This was an amazing piece to watch. I will definitely have to watch it again xx
Sunday at 5:52pm
I feel the serpent, is connected to the symbol of the two dragons. Holding the serpent. Representing our vagus nerve. Activating our vagus, holds the key to the pineal gland. In a world that keeps us busy, in survival mode, our vagus is tense. As within, so without. We are searching for answers outside, when Maybe it is all innate?
Sunday at 5:50pm
Deep gratitude, the film was amazing! 🙏
Sunday at 5:32pm
Loved this movie, it has put together lots of puzzle pieces. I have come to understand the power of 3, 12 is next level along with 'I AM' which makes 13 lucky for some :) thank you for sharing this for free, I would love to join the conference, am not able to fund this at present. thank you.
Sunday at 5:22pm
Thank you for your quest to learn of and share information about the hidden truth of who we are and what our purpose is here in Earth School
I am very interested to learn more.
In Love & Coherence
Sunday at 5:12pm
Thank you for your incredible research! Love the movie!
Sunday at 5:03pm
Thought-provoking information. Really good movie!
Sunday at 4:57pm
Anja Thank you so much for this opportunity to watch this movie. So interesting, I feel I want to know more ...
Sunday at 4:51pm
Wow thanks so much for the free viewing 🩵🙏🩷
Sunday at 3:58pm

Wonderful work - brilliantly put together
Sunday at 3:49pm

This was great! I would love to know more. I do feel that when consciousness is high or low, and are the weather affects us, so if there’s a lot of pressure in the weather, it affects our thoughts are energy. When consciousness is high and vibrating at a higher frequency, people are holding it higher it feels great to people when it’s low or a lower frequency doesn’t feel so great. ..
Sunday at 3:46pm
Wow I was so disappointed when that ended, I could have watched this all day long! Thank you for your work and for making it accessible for this window of time!
Sunday at 2:25pm